Curriculum Overview

TMS Curriculum Vision Statement  

We believe that every student at our school, regardless of background or starting point, can achieve something great. By providing a rigorous, academic and carefully sequenced curriculum, our aim is to empower all students with the knowledge, skills & experiences they need for employment, lifelong learning & active global citizenship. 

KS3 Offer

At The Malling School every pupil, irrespective of starting point or individual learning needs, will be provided full access to the curriculum across all subjects. 

Pupils in years 7 to 9 study the National Curriculum, which has been interpreted, designed and sequenced by subject experts to prepare pupils for their next steps. Subjects such as Drama, whilst not forming part of the National Curriculum, are core parts of a weekly timetable for our pupils at key stage three as we understand how it contributes to the personal development of pupils in areas such as communication, empathy, discipline and emotional intelligence as well as our core character values. 

Our curriculum is knowledge-rich and delivers broad, diverse and ambitious knowledge, invaluable for ensuring all children are knowledgeable and are taken beyond their everyday experience. We believe our curriculum will enable all students to excel, not only in public examinations, but in their interactions with the world, ensuring they are prepared for their next steps and for them to lead happy, successful lives. 

Details of the curriculum for each subject can be viewed on our Subjects page, but a summary of the subjects all students attend includes: 

  • English (Language and Literature) Mathematics 

  • Combined Science 

  • Art 

  • ASDAN 

  • Computer Science 

  • Drama 

  • Design Technology 

  • Food Technology  

  • Modern Foreign Languages (French and Spanish) 

  • Geography 

  • History 

  • Music 

  • Physical Education 

  • Ethics & Religious Studies 

  • Textiles 

  • Careers education 

  • Politics, Religion and Government (PRG) 

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economics education (PSHE) 

  • Sex and Relationships education (SRE) 

  • Enrichment – Elective 

KS4 Offer

Pupils go on to study a rich and varied key stage 4 curriculum which is exemplified by the increasing numbers of Pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc), and the large numbers of Pupils accessing more creative subjects at key stage 4 such as art, 3D design technology and music. 

The curriculum is filled with ambitious qualifications that match the drive to ensure that all our Pupils achieve outstanding results to enable them to access their chosen pathway at Post 16. 

Details of the curriculum for each subject can be viewed on our Subjects page, but a summary of the subjects available to KS4 students is outlined below. 

Year 10 

  • GCSE Art 

  • GCSE Business Studies 

  • GCSE Computer Science 

  • BTEC Drama 

  • GCSE Geography 

  • GCSE History 

  • BTEC Music 

  • GCSE 3D Design 

  • GCSE Sociology 

  • GCSE Psychology 

  • GCSE Separate Sciences 

  • WJEC Hospitality & Catering 

  • BTEC Sport 

  • VTCT Hair 



Year 11 

  • GCSE Art 

  • GCSE Business Studies 

  • GCSE Computer Science 

  • BTEC Drama 

  • GCSE Geography 

  • GCSE History 

  • BTEC Music 

  • GCSE 3D Design 

  • GCSE Sociology 

  • GCSE Psychology 

  • GCSE Separate Sciences 

  • WJEC Hospitality & Catering 

  • BTEC Sport 

  • VTCT Hair 


  • GCSE Citizenship 

  • BTEC Dance 

In addition to their GCSE and vocational qualifications, all students at KS4 also attend lessons and assemblies in the following disciplines to supplement and enrich their education:

  • Politics, Religion and Government (PRG) 

  • Careers education 

  • Personal, Social, Health and Economics education (PSHE) 

  • Sex and Relationships education (SRE) 

  • Physical Education (Core PE) 

  • Socially and culturally significant events (Black History Months, LGBTQ History Month, International Women’s Day) 

EBacc - an academic curriculum 

As adults, we know that life can be demanding as we work our way through the ups and downs that it brings. Responsibility, character and resilience are so important as we face these varied challenges head on, whilst trying to remain positive, determined and aspirational. 

A key element of this aspiration is ensuring that students have the opportunity to develop these core skills through a highly academic and challenging core curriculum which is blended with additional curriculum options that allow all students to access a range of qualifications. These qualifications will serve them well in life, whichever pathway they choose to take or door they decide to open. 

Qualifications give students choices in life. They open doors and provide new opportunities and fulfilment. To achieve this vision, we ensure that our curriculum is not shortened at Key Stage 3 and not narrowed at Key Stage 4. 

The EBacc qualification involves students studying English, Maths, Science, History or Geography and a language. This is a very demanding set of curriculum subjects and has a high level of expected knowledge development, retention and application. This curriculum intent will robustly challenge all students academically. For those students who do not study the full combination of the EBacc subjects, they will all still study a very demanding range of core curriculum subjects which includes English, Maths, Science and either History or Geography. This again, will require a high level of knowledge development, retention and application when covering the curriculum intent. 

The table below shows current and projected entries into the EBacc qualification. 

Year 11 in 2021-22 

(Previous Cohort) 


Linguists study 9 subjects 

Non-linguists study 8 subjects 

Year 11 in 2022-23 

Current Year 11 


Linguists study 9 subjects 

Non-linguists study 8 subjects  

Year 11 in 2023-24 

Current Year 10 


Linguists study 9 subjects 

Non-linguists study 8 subjects 

Year 11 in 2024-25 

Current Year 11 


Linguists study 9 subjects 

Non-linguists study 8 subjects  


Our Assessment System 

Assessment Principles 

We recognise that curriculum and assessment are interlinked and support each other. In order to develop a powerful knowledge-based curriculum we must support this with valid, reliable and useful assessments to assess the planned curriculum. Our teachers use continuous formative assessment throughout their lessons to check prior knowledge and understanding, address misconceptions and inform targeted support. Feedback in class is focused on being ‘immediate and direct’ and is often verbal following use of mini whiteboards. Marking is fit for purpose and designed to help pupils to progress. It informs scaffolding at classroom level and informs short term, medium term and long-term planning. Effective and timely cumulative assessment design is also a tool in understanding pupil progress and reflecting on the taught curriculum to inform teaching; this also identifies cumulative dysfluency so that teachers can address this. 

Pupils will typically sit summative assessments 2x per year in KS3 and 3x per year in KS4 & KS5. High quality assessments accurately provided insight into a pupil’s knowledge of the curriculum which is used to inform future planning. 

Our aim is for all pupils to have learnt, practised and remembered a broad and balanced curriculum of knowledge by the end of KS3 to prepare for KS4.  Departmental curricula detail explicit end points pupils should meet by the end of Year 7, 8 and 9, in order to master key skills and knowledge ready to thrive in KS4. Assessments are designed with these standards in mind, and through accurate judgements made throughout KS3 we can ensure all pupils are ready for the next stage. Our curriculum intent is ambitious, and assessments assess this ambitious curriculum. The KS3 assessment structure fits the need of the curriculum, it is not a watered down KS4 assessment system. In years 10, 11, 12 and 13,  explicit end points are clear for key points of these pivotal exam years and assessments are designed to assess pupils with these standards in mind. Many teachers across the school are experienced exam markers and this vast knowledge of national assessments inform our KS4 and KS5 assessment plan. 

The curriculum is the progression model. Learning is a change in long term memory, and so the more of the curriculum that has been committed to a student’s long-term memory, the more has been learnt by them, and the more progress has been made. Our assessments assess how much of the curriculum has been learnt by students, and therefore indicate how they’re progressing through the curriculum. 

Our assessment principles 

1. End points are clearly defined at key stages throughout the curriculum​ 

2. Teachers use regular assessment throughout lessons with immediate and direct verbal feedback to prevent cumulative dysfluency 

3. Cumulative and reliable summative assessments measure the implementation of the curriculum 

​4. Pupil work is routinely compared to great models to assess the implementation of curriculum 

5. Middle leaders are trained in summative assessment design to evaluate the quality of provision​ 

The curriculum sits at the heart of The Malling School. Ambitious and enriching, our curriculum empowers every student to achieve excellence regardless of their starting point, as well as nurturing individual interests and self-expression. 

We believe students deserve the best that has been thought and said. Our coherently planned and well sequenced curriculum ensures that all students gain the powerful knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.  Breadth and balance is vital for young people to realise their full potential, and our three-year Key Stage 3 ensures that students are able to have a varied curriculum experience before undertaking a range of option subjects at Key stage 4. 

To make the most of our planned curriculum, our teachers use established and proven techniques to embed knowledge, building on prior learning to provide a springboard to future success. Learners at The Malling School become resilient, employable global citizens who demonstrate social competence, a desire for learning and respect for each other and the world around them. Enrichment opportunities and authentic cross-curricular links are built into our provision where appropriate to enhance learning and to further embed ‘The Malling School Way’. 

Students with additional educational needs are supported to achieve academic success. High aspirations are matched to effective scaffolds to allow every young person to access the planned curriculum and to succeed. Our provision is structured to ensure that every child can access every subject and has the opportunity to pursue their interests and strengths from year 7 to year 13, including a range of GCSEs, Level 2 & 3 vocational programmes and a variety of International Baccalaureate Diploma subjects.  

Language development is a central thread of our curriculum. This not only includes the provision and promotion of modern foreign languages, but also the development of literacy through the curriculum. Rich texts are interwoven throughout to promote reading for purpose as well as reading for pleasure. The development of numeracy also ensures that every young person leaves The Malling School well prepared for life in the twenty-first century. Oracy is an important skill that students are encouraged to develop - the ability to speak fluently and with confidence provides another transferable skill that is developed through our purposeful and challenging curriculum. 

To enhance and support our challenging curriculum, all students are issued with a subject booklet every term. These include the lesson resources, key vocabulary, topic knowledge organiser and authentic subject specific rich texts. Students requiring support benefit from individualised, bespoke scaffolded booklets. 

We strive for continuous improvement, reviewing the curriculum on offer annually to ensure it meets the emerging needs of each cohort and, where possible, add further breadth to the curriculum.  For example, the IBDP will be implemented from September 2022 which we believe will give students the knowledge and skills necessary for further education. 

Current Curriculum (2023 - 2024)

Year 7 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Year 8 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Year 9 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Year 10 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Year 11 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Year 12 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Year 13 Curriculum Booklets - 2023-24

Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Term 5 Term 6
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