Frequently asked questions
How long is the school day?
Students must be on site at 8.45am.
How many lessons are there in a day?
We have 5 lessons per day. P1 is 30 minutes long and P2, P3, P4 and P5 are each 75 minutes long.
What do I need to bring on my first day?
Who can I talk to if i have a problem?
Our Pastoral Team are assigned to each year group who will be more than happy to support your child’s needs or concerns.
How do I pay for lunch?
We operate on a cashless basis which includes the canteen and trips. Parents/carers can top up online via our secure system SCOPAY. Students are also able to add cash to their accounts via the fingerprint scanning machine in our canteen.
Can I ride my bike to school?
Yes, we have various bicycle stores available for students to use. The school accepts no responsibility in the event a student’s bike is damaged or stolen.
When will i receive my timetable?
All students will received their personalised timetable on the first day they attend school.
How do I understand my child’s school report?
We have prepared a short video for you, please CLICK HERE
What do I do if my child is late to school?
Inform our Attendance team, by telephone or email your child will be late for school. When your child arrives at school they should report to the attendance office to sign in.
01732 840995 Option 3 or
How do I report my child's absence from school?
Telephone or email our Attendance team, on the day of the absence before 9.00am. A message can be left on the answer machine if no one is available.
01732 840995 Option 3 or
How will I be informed if there is a school closure?
On the very rare occasion the school needs to close we will inform all parents via text or email. Please also check our website where you will find regular updates.
What do I do if my child is prescribed medication?
If your child needs to have medication at school you must contact our attendance team, to arrange for it to be kept in a secure location. All medication should not be kept with the child during the school day.
What happens if my child has a medical/dental appointment?
Please try to arrange medical appointments outside of school time. If this is unavoidable we ask that you send in, or email, the appointment letter to our attendance team, to be recorded on your child’s register.
What is Key stage 3 | Keystage 4 | Key stage 5?
Key Stage 3 (KS3) is the National Curriculum taught to children between Year 7 and Year 9.
Key Stage 4 (KS4) is the National Curriculum taught to children between Year 10 and Year 11 (GCSE's)
Key Stage 5 (KS5) is the National Curriculum taught to children between Year 12 and Year 13 (Sixth Form)
The English Baccalaureate (EBacc) is a performance measure showing the proportion of children in a secondary school who achieve a Grade C or more in core academic subjects - English, maths, a science, history or geography and a language.
The Progress 8 score is a new rating for English secondary schools which shows how well students have progressed academically during their time there. It compares results from different schools so that their performance can be easily seen by parents.