Labour Market Information

Where to find Labour Market Information (LMI)

When planning for your future it is important to understand how the world of work is structured. Particularly in the current climate it is important to realise how the face of work has changed and the impacts of this on the job market.

LMI is not always easy to understand, the website have done a really good job at explaining how to use LMI in their page headed, “How to use LMI to help make careers decisions” Click on this link to find out more How labour market information (LMI) can help you make career decisions (

Here you can find out where to get more information and intelligence of the UK labour market. The widget and websites listed here all use data from the LMI for All service. Some of the websites combine LMI for All data with other types of information, such as videos, whilst others present data as charts.

Quick Guides

Click here for quick guides offering young people in Kent and Medway an overview of career options and the qualifications needed to succeed in each field. These snapshots help young people explore different paths, from apprenticeships to college and university.

Why LMI?

When considering a career path you need to consider whether a job/career is in decline or whether it is not available in your geographical area. It is then important to consider a number of factors.

  • Which employment sectors and industries are growing.
  • What skills will jobs require in the future.
  • What hours, pay and conditions can I expect in the future.
  • How can you upskill yourself to offer the best chance of success.
  • Which industries and employment sectors are currently employing currently.

Armed with this information you then need to ask yourself some questions

  • Am I willing to travel to work?
  • Am I willing to relocate for work?
  • Which skills do I have that need developing further?
  • Will these jobs still exist when I have become qualified/ completed my training?

If you would like to look at Labour Market Information in a career sector look at this website Labour Market Profile - Nomis - Official Labour Market Statistics (

If you alter the search criteria you can get detailed information about a chosen area.

For more information in future changes in the job market – look at this Government report: The future of work: jobs and skills in 2030 - GOV.UK (