Level 2 vocational programme
Functional Maths All levels
Functional skills Levels range from Entry Level 3 to Level 2. Students will be entered for the appropriate level after undertaking a baseline assessment. Upon successful completion of each level a student will progress onto the next level.
Term 1 |
Using number and the number system – whole numbers, fractions and decimals Includes: counting, reading and writing numbers, comparing and ordering numbers, adding and subtracting (up to 3 digits), dividing (3 digit by single digit), multiplying (up to 2 digit by 2 digit), rounding to whole, 10, 100 or 1,000, sequences of numbers, simple equivalent fractions, decimals up to 2 places. |
Term 2 |
Using number and the number system – whole numbers, fractions and decimals Includes: counting, reading and writing numbers, comparing and ordering numbers, adding and subtracting (up to 3 digits), dividing (3 digit by single digit), multiplying (up to 2 digit by 2 digit), rounding to whole, 10, 100 or 1,000, sequences of numbers, simple equivalent fractions, decimals up to 2 places. |
Term 3 |
Using common measures, shape and space Awareness of money and calculating with money. time (telling time and recording time), reading time from analogue and digital clocks, units of measure for time, distance, mass, capacity, instruments used in measuring, 2D and 3D shape names and properties, positional vocabulary and awareness of compass points and direction. |
Term 4 |
Using common measures, shape and space Awareness of money and calculating with money. time (telling time and recording time), reading time from analogue and digital clocks, units of measure for time, distance, mass, capacity, instruments used in measuring, 2D and 3D shape names and properties, positional vocabulary and awareness of compass points and direction. |
Term 5 |
Handling information and data Extracting info from lists, tables, diagrams, charts, graphs, frequency tables, pictograms, interpreting information and making comparisons, organizing and representing data in appropriate ways (tables, pictograms, graphs, etc) |
Term 6 |
Handling information and data Extracting info from lists, tables, diagrams, charts, graphs, frequency tables, pictograms, interpreting information and making comparisons, organizing and representing data in appropriate ways (tables, pictograms, graphs, etc) |
Functional English – All levels
Functional skills Levels range from Entry Level 3 to Level 2. Students will be entered for the appropriate level after undertaking a baseline assessment. Upon successful completion of each level a student will progress onto the next level.
Term 1 |
Introduction to functional skills - baseline students EL3- L2. Spelling, punctuation and grammar. Reading for information. Reading to understand the purpose of texts |
Term 2 |
Reading :textual features. Reading : organisational features. Reading : finding meaning. Reading Mock paper practice. |
Term 3 |
Reading : Comparison. Reading: mock paper practice. Speaking and listening and communicating: Listening closely. Speaking, istening and communicating: Questions task 1 part 1. |
Term 4 |
Speaking, listening and communicating: Presentations task 1 part 2. Speaking , listening and communicating: discussions part 2. Speaking, listening and communicating task 1 and 2 formal assessment. |
Term 5 |
Writing: Format and structure/Information sheet. Spelling, punctuation and grammar: spelling strategies / grammar. Writing : structure and using paragraphs. Writing Letters / Writing emails/ Writing reviews |
Term 6 |
Writing : Mock paper practice 1 . Writing reports. Writing : forum. Writing: Contributions. Writing mock practice paper 2 |
ASDAN EMPLOYABILITY EL3-L1- L2 – Year 1 ( year 13)
Term 1 |
Customer Services - to show learners they understand the importance of good customer service and how their organisation tries to provide it , and to show they can follow procedures and meet customer service standards or their own organisation when carrying out their role. ( All levels) |
Term 2 |
Career Exploration- To enable learners to show they understand what is required to work towards the achievement of a career goal ( Level 1/ 2) |
Term 3 |
Applying for a job- To enable learners to show they understand what is involved in applying for a job by working through the application process and preparing for and attending an interview . ( EL3/ L1 / L2) |
Term 4 |
Using advice and guidance - to enable learners to show they understand the benefits of using advice ad guidance to achieve learning and work - related goals and to be able to use that advice and guidance effectively ( EL3/L1/L2) |
Term 5 |
Flexible options: rights and respobnsibilities in the workplace ( El3/L1) Using ICT in the workplace ( L2) Communicating with others at work (EL3/L1) Research skills ( L2) |
Term 6 |
Maintaining work standards- to enable learners to show they understand the standards required in the workplace and to demonstrate they know and can meet the standards of their own organisation when carrying out activities. ( EL2/EL3) additional for L1 and extension for L2 |
ASDAN EMPLOYABILITY EL3-L1- L2 – Year 2 ( year 13)
Term 1 |
Planning and Reviewing Learning- to enable learners to improve how they learn and improve their performance, by actively engaging in the process of planning their learning, working towards targets and reviewing their progress and achievements. ( All levels) extra credits at Level 2. |
Term 2 |
Overcoming barriers to work-to enable learners to show they have an understanding of potential barriers to accessing and maintaining employment and to identify sources of support to help overcome them ( El3/L1/L2) |
Term 3 |
Opportunities for learning and work- to enable learners to show they have an understanding of the range of opportunities available for leraing and work locally and nationally / internationally, and that thye are able to make the most of opportunities relevant to themselves. (EL3/L1/L2) |
Term 4 |
Review of units - checking units are up to date and meet relevant guidance - then for remainder of this term and next terms students can take optional units to fulfill their course requirements . |
Term 5 |
Flexible options: rights and respobnsibilities in the workplace ( El3/L1) Using ICT in the workplace ( L2) Communicating with others at work (EL3/L1) Research skills ( L2) |
Term 6 |
Portfolio completion activities and moderation. |